Supporting the Unity and Sustainability of Civil Society Organization to Uphold Human Rights, National Integrity and Rule of Law in Bangladesh (SUSHIL). Lead organization: Safety Rights (S&R) Cofunded by European Union and Action Aid Bangladesh

The “SUSHIL: Supporting the Unity and Sustainability of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to Uphold Human Rights, National Integrity, and Rule of Law in Bangladesh” project is a four-year initiative (2023-2026) led by ActionAid Bangladesh. The project focuses on empowering CSOs by enhancing their operating environment, promoting transparency, accountability, and fostering a conducive civic space for policy dialogue.

One of the key components of the SUSHIL project is an awareness-raising campaign on digital security and digital media. This campaign, spanning from July 20, 2024, to December 31, 2026. The campaign includes activities such as developing audio-visual materials, organizing roadshows, and conducting workshops across nine targeted districts: Kurigram, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Chattogram, Bandarban, Naogaon, Kushtia, Dhaka, and Gaibandha.

Discussion meeting with Dhaka District and Sessions Judges on providing legal Assistance to CSOs at local level (November 10, 2024, Dhaka Sessions Judges Court Conference Room)

National-Level Policy Dialogue with the Existing CSO Alliance.
Date: 11 December 2024, Venue: Nascent Gardenia, Baridhara, Diplomatic Zone, Dhaka-1212

Workshop on Inclusion of Civil Society in Formulation and Amendment of National Internal Policies, Dated 23-10-2023

Research Finding Dissemination, Dated: 30-10-2023